Linguistic Validation Project for families living with haemophilia

Assistance is sought for a linguistic validation project. The purpose of the project is to ensure 3 haemophilia questionnaires are culturally adapted to Australians. The Haemophilia Association of Australia (HFA) have assisted in recruiting respondents but are struggling to recruit two teenage boys to be involved. 

If you know any families living with haemophilia, who may be keen to participate please provide them with the contact details for:

Cathal Monaghan
Spanish to English Translator | Linguistic Validation Consultant
[email protected]

Connect with Language is able to pay A$100 to any healthcare provider who assists in the recruitment of a respondent who completes an interview and A$50 will be donated to the Human Genetics Society of Australasia Education Fund.

The linguistic validation project information is listed on the HFA website here: and the direct download of the project summary is here: